• 770 7th St E . St. Paul, MN 55106 . USA
  • (651) 772-0234
  • contact@agapemed.org

About Us

Ethiopia is a country with 85% of its population living in rural areas that do not have access to health care facilities and/or doctors. Because of that they only rely on traditional medicine. From 70% to 80% of the diseases affecting its population are easily preventable by simple interventions. Communicable diseases, malnutrition, and lack of access to clean water are responsible for 57 % of the total death rate. There are only about 2000 physicians for a population of 90 Million people.
Organizing medical teams and travel to remote areas in Ethiopia once a year to provide medical support, teaching, allocating resource, giving moral and spiritual support.

We want to expand our God given abilities, potential, our unique passion, and desire to fulfill HIS purpose.
Our mission is to become a light and witness of the Gospel to every creature by declaring that Jesus Christ is Lord and savior. We seek to make a difference through spiritual, educational, and basic medical needs for the less fortunate.

1. To provide basic medical needs that includes but not limited to checking blood pressure, health teaching, allocating resources, giving moral and spiritual support in a low-income communities of Minnesota.

2. To travel once a year to rural areas of Ethiopia with the message of the Gospel, as well as, provide medical support through volunteer medical teams.
Future plans:
It is our hope that in the future, AgapeMED will provide more medical help to the less fortunate people of Ethiopia; provide medical help in a consistent manner by building clinics and hospitals in the rural areas of Ethiopia. In the next year or two we would like to establish well-equipped clinic locally around Minneaplis and St. Paul, that adds services areas like:
Foot Care, Counseling, Referral, Advocating, Home Visits, Wound Care, Planting more blood pressure clinics in public housing buildings.

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